Louis Freeh, The Man With The Secrets

"Any serious student of history is on alert for “interesting accidents.” Because sometimes they are accidents. Sometimes, they’re not.

We have no opinion at the moment on the one-car wreck that left former FBI Director Louis Freeh badly injured around noon on Aug. 25. But we do think it is worth reviewing what we know about Louis Freeh. Because all such incidents deserve scrutiny".

- See more at: http://whowhatwhy.com/2014/08/28/curious-car-crashes-louis-freeh-the-man-with-the-secrets/#sthash.IkdMKkwA.dpuf

So glad that Russ Baker is

So glad that Russ Baker is following up on real suspects of 9/11. Nice to also see Orangutan link Kevin Ryan's work in the comments.

If Baker keeps going at this pace, maybe in a few years we'll get a "Family Of Secrets" styled 9/11 book from him.


First: local Vermont media are reporting that, just prior to his crash along a relatively straight and flat portion of a rural stretch of Vermont Highway 12, Freeh, 64, nearly took out three motorists, whose evasive actions saved themselves.

Second: a still unidentified FBI agent quickly materialized at the scene of the crash.

- See more at: http://whowhatwhy.com/2014/09/10/update-louis-freehs-curious-car-accident/#sthash.ZVvbCfmI.dpuf